Topic Wise Words

Topic Retail:: PAGE #5

:: Efforts by tobacco companies to stop confectioners selling candy cigarettes in packs resembling cigarette brands seem to have been minimal:: The very obvious advantage for our customers is that since we added ironmongery plumbing and paints we now have a onestopshop added Ms Duignan:: While overseas soldiers usually get free postage for letters back to the states:: It just so happened that FYE was one of my favorite stores in the mall :: At present all nondomestic users pay a fixed rate for water irrespective of the quantity that they use:: All elements are placed on antique looking furniture teapoys plant stands and traditional Irani chairs:: The general practice is to place a linen napkin on the bar counter with some of the most used utensils on it:: As regards the second condition peaceful relations have indeed developed among the consolidated democracies of the West:: Even when schools started offering courses about computers most design studio instructors sneered at the gadgetry :: Scotland Online one of the countrys leading portals and internet service providers will launch its rebranded website this week:: The result is a digital rendering of each concept and a fullsize sculpted model of the toy in foam:: If September stays mild we will see why bedding such as lobelia pelargonium and impatiens are so popular as they flower on until the first frosts:: Last month the government confirmed an order for two aircraft carriers at a cost of 3 billion:: The spot I selected for my Uturn happened to be right next to a yard sale so I climbed out for a browse :: About 50 traders such as butchers bakers and newsagents close each week:: As a store of pure wisdom the book is by common agreement unequaled:: In 1965 a sudden change occurred drift ice and polar water covered the north Icelandic shelf during spring:: According to the same source the Bujagali dam at the outlet of Lake Victoria in Jinja Uganda is due to go ahead within the next few weeks with 66m of funding from the World Bank:: It has given the security department a lift and it is encouraging that there is now a serious deterrent he said:: Some coffee shops and cheap restaurants were open and even the citys doubledecker public buses were moving in very light traffic:: Always up for a laugh when he worked on the grocery checkouts Brian used to send his coworkers off around the building on wild goose chases looking for something that didnt exist:: I find that a lot of professional clothing with a tailored look doesnt fit me well:: Anyone who can tell you how long to hang game or any meat unless you are using a butchers chiller is either a liar or a prophet:: Queens forward Amy Goodall scored a total of 24 points in the affair adding 6 rebounds:: The vouchers are sent to the group who can either use them in store or exchange them for cash:: She handed it to Cary who gazed questioningly at the picture which vaguely resembled a landing space craft :: Zhao who sells fruit wholesale in a nearby fruit exchange market now confronts losses almost everyday:: A man may spend his money on attending a concert or hiring a lawyer for example as well as on food or automobiles:: A prize draw aimed at compulsive spendthrifts has been run by a Chilean bank:: He was particularly animated about the need for less process and more appliance of the code according to relationships dialogue and trust between the board and its investors
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